

Dotzeim has 24.000 thousand inhabitants. It is a very authentic and independent community, with different cultural and sport happenings, organized by its people and associations that make this city an attractive place to live in. One of the most important events is the cultural festival called "Dotzheimer Tage" (Dotzheimer days), the events of Kohlhecker, the wine festival in the different winegrowers' courtyards and the well-known "Dibbemarkt", which takes place in september at the Parrish-Luja-Plaza. The Dotzheimer are very proud of the redescovery of the vintage "Judenkirsch" as well as of the attractive Home Museum. In Dotzheim starts the longest "monument" from the state of Hesse, the Aartal Railway. This historical way has been listed under monumental protection and the association "Nassauische Touristikbahn e.V.", runs the traditional way, called "Langenschwalbacher Railway" and invites often to special rides.